portable sauna

Portable saunas are the ultimate option for relaxation and healing when you’re at home or are always on the go. It’s an appealing choice if you don’t have the budget or space for a permanent at-home sauna. Whether you live in a one-bedroom apartment or a single-family home, a portable sauna will fit in whatever limited space you have.

Plus, portable home saunas are far cheaper and easier to set up than traditional built-in saunas. It comes in various types and styles—sauna blankets, steam tents, and PEMF infrared mats. But do portable saunas really work?

Do Portable Saunas Really Work?

The simplest answer is yes; portable saunas work. They work similarly to traditional saunas and can provide most of the same physiological benefits. Like normal-sized saunas, a portable sauna will subject the body to heat, raising the body’s temperature and causing sweating.

Benefits of Using a Portable Sauna

A portable sauna can give you a spa treatment similar to what you experience in your local spa. It’s a perfect way to relieve stress after a long day. But you won’t have to go out of the house, and it’s a much cheaper option to take advantage of several sauna benefits

  • Improved heart health
  • Detox and weight loss
  • Stress management
  • Pain relief
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Reduced muscle soreness
  • Improved cardiovascular health

Anyone can benefit from a portable sauna. And if you experience a lot of stress, exercise frequently, and want healthier skin or overall improved well-being, a portable sauna can do wonders. 

Is a Portable Sauna Safe to Use?

Using a portable sauna is generally considered safe with no side effects for most people, as long as you do it right. Firstly, installing your portable steam sauna in a safe and well-ventilated area is important. 

Secondly, if you have any medical condition, it’s smart to check with your doctor first. Those who are prone to dehydration and overheating should use a portable sauna with caution. For example, those who are pregnant, with kidney disease, low blood pressure, or heart disease.

Lastly, anything in excess is not advisable. If you are a beginner, it’s safer to start with mini sauna sessions. Or, take a few minutes of break in between sessions. According to a study, overdoing your sauna sessions can lead to potential risks like light-headedness and mild to moderate heat discomfort. 

portable sauna details

Different Portable Saunas Work Differently

Portable home saunas come in various sauna types, styles, and designs. And like different types of saunas, different portable homes saunas also work differently. 

Sauna Steam Tent

A sauna steam tent, or portable steam room, is a collapsible tent with a steam generator for heating water to produce steam to fill the sauna. Besides raising the temperature inside the sauna tent, it also increases the humidity. 

There are two styles of portable sauna tents you can find.

1. Sauna Steam Tent with Head Exposed

The most common type of portable sauna steamer tent is a small tent that accommodates one seater. The tent typically stops at the shoulder, so your head will be outside of the sauna. It will also have armholes, so you have your hands free. But some of the steam and heat can escape because of necks and armholes. 

2. Fully Enclosed Sauna Steam Tent

This one is a larger, full-sized portable steam sauna tent, tall enough for you to sit or stand inside. A fully enclosed portable steam sauna tent feels more like a traditional sauna because your entire body can fit inside. And there are no neck and armholes where steam and heat can escape. The SereneLife portable sauna is an example of a fully enclosed sauna tent.

Traditional Finnish saunas typically operate between 80-100 degrees Celsius at 5-20% humidity. Meanwhile, steam saunas usually use temperatures ranging between 40-45 degrees Celsius. It might not seem much, but considering the usually 100% humidity, it can feel pretty hot.

That said, the moist heat from a portable steam sauna is effective in improving blood circulation by dilating the small blood vessels. Moreover, moist heat works quicker in muscle recovery than dry heat (like in traditional saunas or infrared saunas), making portable sauna steamers more effective in providing pain relief.

Steam sauna in the morning. The best time to use a steam sauna is in the morning because the high-temperature environment promotes wakefulness

sauna blanket

Sauna Blanket

A portable infrared sauna blanket is available if you prefer to lie down during a sauna session. Like regular infrared saunas, sauna blankets emit infrared light penetrating deeper into the skin. They look like large sleeping bags heated with infrared technology to warm your body. 

Sauna blankets are the most portable since you don’t need extra space or have to set up the tent or use a steamer. You can place it on your bed, zip yourself in, lie down, and relax while the infrared light heats your body from the inside out. Because of this, infrared saunas generally run at lower temperatures than traditional saunas. Most operate around a more comfortable temperature of 45-60 degrees Celsius

Because the infrared waves penetrate deeper than warmed or moist air (like in traditional and steam saunas, respectively), your core body temperature is higher even at a gentle operating temperature. It means you can stay in your infrared blanker for longer to reap more benefits and for it to be effective in expediting muscle recovery, boosting cardiovascular function, and relieving rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. 

Infrared sauna in the evening. The optimal time for using an infrared sauna blanket is at night to promote rest and relaxation. It’s because infrared light therapy has positive effects on melatonin production and overall sleep quality

PEMF Mat with Infrared

Infrared PEMF Mats combine the two wellness technologies of far-infrared and Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF). It sends electromagnetic bursts through your body in different frequencies to boost your body’s own recovery process. Along with it is the infrared heat that warms and relaxes your body. 

PEMF mats with infrared reduce inflammation related to chronic pain, muscle spasms, stress, poor sleep, and osteoarthritis

Use PEMF Mat with infrared post-workout. Because of its pain relief and relaxation benefits, an infrared PEMF mat is ideal for relieving stiff joints and tired muscles after working out. A study also found that PEMF therapy can help recover post-surgery. 

sauna session

How to Use Portable Saunas for Best Results?

Here are a few tips to maximize its benefits and effectiveness to help you enjoy and get the most out of your portable at-home sauna. 

    • Drink plenty of water. A sauna session will drain your body of your fluids. Be sure to drink water before using your sauna to avoid the dangers of dehydration and fatigue. 
    • Take a shower before your sauna. It will clean any product or dirt off your skin, making sure that the heat passes smoothly into every pore of your skin.
    • Finish your sauna with a cold shower. A shower post-sauna will get rid of sweat and bacteria that can clog pores. A cold shower will return your pores to their natural state and leave you feeling refreshed.

Portable Saunas FAQs

Question: Can you lose weight in a portable sauna?

Answer: Yes, you can lose a tiny bit of weight while using a portable sauna. It’s because you’re sweating off your water weight, although it will return once you begin drinking water after the session. You shouldn’t bank on your sweat sessions to lose weight. 

That said, portable saunas can support weight loss by increasing your metabolic and heart rate. Sticking to a sauna routine could help you see real fat-burning results. 

Question: How often should you use a portable sauna?

Answer: You can use portable steam sauna tents as often as you feel comfortable. However, it’s recommended to use a sauna 1-3 times per week for optimal benefits and safety and no more than 10-15 minutes per session to avoid dehydration. Consider 5-10 minutes at a time for beginners. 


Final Thoughts

Considering the benefits you can get from using portable saunas, plus their portability and affordability, we would say that portable saunas do work. Depending on what style and type of portable sauna you choose, you could see benefits such as pain relief, stress management, muscle relief, and overall wellness.